Good animation, simplistic view.
The animation was good, I thought you blended everything together and it ran smoothly. The point of of the animation is the only thing I take issue with, and I understand where you're coming from. It is unfortunately a simplistic view of the old sixties hippies, that love will solve everything. This ignoring the totalitarians that take what they want, the fanatics who refuse to compromise, and other factions who really would never put down their arms.
When it comes down to it, neither side is 100% right all the time. But is there ever justification for the beheadings of innocent civilians? And warlords in Africa and the Middle East certainly arn't justified in killing civilians or anyone just for the want of retaining power. Love wouldn't of fed the people of Somalia, and it sure as hell wouldn't of stopped dictators as far back as Ceasar and beyond. Human history is comprised of people who take by force, and those who fight them. It's comprised of the good, bad, and the inbetween.
Those of you that think that love can really stop things from happening. Look at Africa. The solution isn't something simple like extending a helping hand, why should one of the world's most resource rich continents need constant aid shipped in and why does that aid never work? Because corrupt governments, warlords, and mafias are put there. Let's not forget who put some of those governments there... everyone has a hand in putting evil in place sometimes. But this is certainly no justification for terrorism, the lowest and most cowardly way of fighting on this earth.
There is a difference between terrorism and resistence or rebellion, and that difference is the nature in which it is carried out. Terrorism specifically targets innocent civilians to create terror to effect the political environment. Resistence/rebels only hit military targets, or strategic targets like war factories. There should NEVER be any excuse for the intentional targetting of innocent civilians.
I know a lot of you disagree with me, and I'm not going to say that there isn't the chance you might be right. This is all just my view and I hope you respect it like I do you. If you want to respectfully disagree with me, I encourage you to message me with a valid argument. I don't want any hate-conversation though and I certainly won't be looking at this movie's review section so don't expect me to reply to anything in here. Sorry if I offended you in any way, it was not intended, and please have a good day!